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💖Why wording your affirmation correctly is vital to it working and manifesting for you💖

I can’t tell you how many times I have seen “affirmations” posted on social media with negative words in them. I’m going to explain why these words are going to make you manifest the total opposite of what you are wanting. Affirmations are *positive* words, and present tense. You want it to happen right now, not sometime in the future.

When you use the word “will” you are telling the universe “I’m okay with it happening any time in my future. It can happen next week, next year, years.” Proper affirmations are worded as if you have what you desire RIGHT NOW. You also want to be specific so the universe knows exactly when and what you want help with.

Here are a few examples:

❌I will pass my test.

✔️I pass my chemistry tests with an A+ for the rest of 2022

✨(You want to past this test and all other tests right now, not later when ever it happens)

❌I don’t chase, I attract. What belongs to me will find me.

✔️I attract ________(fill in the blank) What belongs to me finds me now.

✨(When saying “I don’t chase” your mind is picturing chasing. When you say “will” you are saying “well, when it happens it happens.”

❌I avoid eating foods with bad sugars.

✔️I only fuel my body with health promoting foods.

✨(When saying avoid, your mind is voiding out that word and showing / saying “I eat bad sugary foods!”)

❌I will never drink alcohol again.

✔️I choose to live a sober life, I am Alcohol free.

✨(“will never” your mind is striking out those words and subconsciously showing you “drink alcohol again!”)

See how wording makes a HUGE difference in what you are trying to manifest? If the wording isn’t right, you are hurting your goals and doing the total opposite of the affirmations you are reciting.

Our minds do not process those negative words in affirmations like you think, it removes them from the affirmation and shows your subconscious pictures of the affirmation. So if you are affirming "I avoid stress and anxiety " your brain is getting rid of that negative word “avoid” and is really saying “I'm stressed and anxious!” and showing pictures of of those moods. You are manifesting to be more

Anxious and stressed because your wording was incorrect. You won’t get the results you want and will become frustrated with your mindset and the body’s response to wanting the opposite of your affirmation intention. Instead you want to say "I am stress and anxiety free."

This is why correct wording is ✨so important✨ if you are truly wanting to manifest your affirmations to come true. When using affirmations, don't inadvertently put emphasis on what you are trying to get rid of or move away from.

“The subconscious mind usually focuses on the subject of the affirmation, not the negation. It's not that the subconscious mind is incapable of understanding negative words. It's that it thinks in pictures. The mental pictures that anti-affirmations create usually reflect the problem - not the solution. Anti-affirmations negate a problem or issue, and this is generally where our mental focus goes. What we need to do instead, is affirm (and therefore visualize) a positive solution. If you say I avoid eating foods with sugar, what are you forced to picture? Most likely you will visualize all the sugary foods that you know you should be avoiding. And this is exactly the opposite of what you want your subconscious mind to focus on.”

- quote from Affirm Your Life

❌Here is a list of words to totally avoid in ANY affirmation you do. I have a photo at the end of this list of words 😘

will, can’t, won’t, don’t, maybe, wish, no, never, stop, hate, could, give up, refuse, maybe, need, not, should, impossible, hopefully, no longer, no more, nothing, difficult, quit, without, hope, someday, going to, try, must

I hope this has helped you in your affirmation journey! I want nothing more but for all of you to truly manifest what you want, and not the opposite. There’s so much misinformation on social medias on this topic, that it is cringe worthy 😬 Most of this misinformation is created by those who **have not trained in proper affirmations.** I have watched people comment on tiktok videos how the affirmation the creator taught did the total opposite and how they have lost relationships, failed at their goals etc. It is because people think affirmations are focusing on what you don’t want. When in reality — you focus on exactly what you want.


Here is my fb album with affirmation examples:

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