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Mystic Sisters

of the Desert

Psychic Mediums and Divine Healers


Whether you want to evaluate your life options, in need of direction for the future, want to connect with a passed loved one, need a healing- we can help you! We want to help bring you peace and closure.

Welcome to Mystic Sisters of the Desert!


We believe that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of spirit, angels and guides. We were blessed with the gift of being able to connect with the other side. Our focus is to bring forth awareness and healing through love, light, affirmations, positive thinking, and to teach others how to open up their own spiritual potential.


Take a look around, explore our site, check out our blog for Mystic tips and information and see what we can do for you! Don't forget to find us on facebook- this is where we do live readings, healings, spells , sell metaphysical items and run specials!


Rated 5 out of 5 stars and recommended by over 220 people! Please visit our facebook reviews on our page to read about their experiences. We are also on Yelp and Google!

The Sisters

A little about us

Yes, we are really sisters! Growing up, we always knew there was more to the world than meets the eye. While talking as adults, we learned we both experienced paranormal activity that was similar to each of our experiences as kids. It has brought us together in a way we never had before. Now we work together to help our clients and followers find closure and heal!


Below are the Classes We have Trained for and what we specialize in, keep an eye out!

We are always expanding our knowledge


Jaclyn Cooper -

Reiki Usui Holy Fire I and II 

Quantum Light Reiki Master

Angelic Healing Therapy 

Frequency Healings, Cleansings and Manifestings

Crystal Healing

EFT Tapping

Sigil Magic

Shamanic Journey

Psychic Protection

Spiritual Counseling & Teaching

Spiritual Magic & Spells


Psychic Mediumship 


Kristina Gatewood-

Usui Reiki Master Teacher

Lumerian Light and Atlantian Reiki

Animal Reiki Healing

Animal Communication

Past Life Regression Therapy 

Advanced Past Life Regression Therapy

Psychic Mediumship

Angel Healing

Spiritual Counseling

Crystal Healing Jeweler 

Frequency Healings





My Link Tree For Booking and information

Psychic Medium Readings

with Jaclyn Cooper

These sessions delve into your innermost feelings, helping you sort out current issues in your life with your spirit guides. Connect with passed loved ones to find closure and peace. Several price and time ranges available

Psychic Medium Readings

with Kristina Gatewood

These sessions delve into your innermost feelings, helping you sort out current issues in your life with your spirit guides. Connect with passed loved ones to find closure and peace.

Reiki is Universal positive energy that is sent to you to help your body heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Reiki can also be sent to pets! All you need to do is sit back, relax, and let me do the rest to send Reiki to you. From there, your body does the rest. 

* Follow us on Facebook to see what the spell is available!


Distant Angelic Healing Therapy

Spiritual Cleanse


Angelic Reiki Healing Therapy

Angel Therapy is a type of Alternative therapy, which includes a non-denominational spiritual method of healing and involves communicating and working with the guardian angels and archangels to heal various health problems including physical, mental and spiritual health. I let the angels work through me to send healing to my client.

Spiritual Egg Cleanse Reading

Spiritual egg cleansing is also known as “limpia” in Spanish. It is an ancient spiritual healing practice that was commonly used in Mexico. This cleansing is used to clean the soul, body, and mind from negative energy. Each cleanse with have a reading on the egg about what was removed from yourself and oracle card pull.

Frequency Healing Services Below

To Book, please message Mystic Sisters of the Desert facebook page or text Jaclyn at 623-341-3064


Distant Reiki Healing


Reiki Treatment


 If you want to get an idea of the experiences that our clients have had, we recommend you take a look at a few of our testimonials! Want to see more reviews? Visit our Facebook page: where we are recommended by 100 beautiful clients and rated 5 stars based on the opinion of 188 people!


The mystic sisters are the best! They’re able to connect with your loved ones and convey validations with you that only they will know. I also gained so much insight on the path that I am supposed to be on and my life in general.

Contact Us

The best way to get a hold of Jaclyn or Kristina is through Text or Facebook Messenger.

Laveen, Az 85339
Buckeye, Az 85326

Jaclyn (623) 341- 3064

Kristina (623) 225-5505

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