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When a Bird Hits the Window

The other day I was going about my business when I heard a huge bang on my front room window. (i have two huge picture windows ). I ran outside and found this poor dove all discombobulated from it smacking into the window.

I picked it up and brought it to the back patio where I could try to give it Reiki. I say try because the day before and that day I had felt horrible. Headache and nauseous here and there. i did what I could but felt it best to let her rest for a bit and check in on her. i gave her some bird seed, locked up my two dogs, and kept checking on her. A few hours later she was gone.

Fast forward to the next day, my sister Jaclyn the other mystic came over. (we are truly sisters🥰) we were in my art room and looked out the window to see my Bloodhound Dudley with that same bird in his mouth ! I screamed for him to drop it and we ran outside. Surprisingly he did drop the poor thing and didn’t put up a stink about it. (He’s a pretty hard headed little turd 😂). I picked up the bird and to my surprise she was alive and breathing normally. Just had a lot of dudley drool and a few missing tail and back feathers.

So we whisked her away back to my art room with a heavy a heavy duty tote lined with grass. I started sending her reiki and played some healing music. She was so calm this time around. It was a lot different than the day before. We put her down and let her rest and I figured we Need to ask why this happened.

Wisdom from my Spirit Guide

Bear Paw “ Remember who you came to be, a damn good healer. Heal that dove. “

Me: “how?”

Bear Paw ”Damn Reiki”

no joke thats what he said 😂.

This is what he sent Jaclyn to pass on to me:

”Don’t let other knock you down or dull your shine. Set backs will occur, it is you growing. Never give up. This bird is to remind you of never giving up.Do your all to heal and free others”

I will keep you guys posted on little bird. For now he or she is enjoying the cooler temps inside while it recovers with Reiki from me a couple times a day.

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