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My Guides Got My Back

This photo kept in the same spot on my camera roll even though I took about 20 (I was pulling oracle cards for people) it’s a sign from my guides. I was pulling cards without using my pendulum really to confirm. Trying to grow my intuition. A little later I was still questioning if this card was really from my guides and I accidentally hit the “y” key on my keyboard and it spelt yes automatically.... so not accidental. Another sign from spirit. How cool is that ? I had a few cards that popped out along the way that were encouraging and supportive and meant for me as well. 🥰🎉 I feel pretty amazing right now. Much love to my guides ! You guys rock !

This goes to show how sometimes we can overlook signs from our spirit guides. They are there. They are sending you messages of all kinds. However our conscious mind always likes to dismiss them. Maybe not always, but sometimes at least. I felt they were testing me during my card pulls as well. When I decided to not use my pendulum to ask if a card was meant for someone or not, I would get tingles or chills. But then I would second guess myself and sometimes use my pendulum to confirm. Out would pop a car encouraging me that I'm on the right track, believe in back to no pendulum going off of feeling. Then...once I was getting comfortable.. here comes some pot holes. lol. I wouldn't get any feelings. I would see answers in my head but they would be scattered and I went back to my pendulum a time or two. This went back and forth for awhile until I finally said...skrew it, if im wrong with a card I'm wrong. I'm trying to grow and I'm holding myself back. So, totally went for it and if I didn't get any feelings I tried to listen or see the answer in my head.

And you know far so good. I'm really quite proud with the card pulls. And if one happens to come back and say they didn't think their card was right, well that shit. lol. I'm not perfect but I strive to be! I can't let fear get in the way, because : Everything's Okay.

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