With the new year comes new opportunities, experiences, and friends ! New Years in our family had a long tradition of going out at midnight to bang pots and pans. Screaming “Happy New Year!” I had Planned on doing this with my daughter this year, however we both crashed on the couch. Lol I also wanted to do a burning of intentions. To say goodbye to the things I want to leave behind in 2018 and the things I want to bring to myself in 2019. Since that didn’t happen at midnight, I still did it after I woke up. You can too! this Is what you’ll
two pieces of paper
something to write with
a candle
optional: music, crystals
write Down 2018 on one piece and think of all the things you want to leave or release from you. On the other piece of paper write 2019 and write down all the things you want to bring into your life, self improvements, bring on the positive vibes! 💗
when your done fold up each paper and carefully... carefully 😂 put it into the candle flame and be ready to toss it into a fire safe place. The faster it burns the more you are ready for what was written on your paper. if It burns slow or goes out it means you might not be ready to let it go or bring it to you. Not to fear though ! Affirmations and positive thinking are huge helpers! Raise those vibrations and watch your world shift. Here’s to a new year with lots of love, health, and abundance for us all ! 💗Kristina🦄