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💜 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓑𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 💜

You will need the following:

-A purple Candle

-Your Favorite Incense

-Optional : Clear Quartz, Citrine

Most people Start of the New Year with resolutions, but find it hard to stick to them. This spell is supposed to give you that extra kick in the butt to keep that motivation started and going.

🕯 The purple candle represents empowerment and ambition. Therefore, use a purple candle for this 🥰😂

💜Start off by lighting your purple candle while saying an opening prayer of protection ( I always ask archangel Michael for his protection and my spirit guides whenever I do anything spiritual. However go with your gut and what feels right to you.)

Use the flame of the purple candle to light your incense. Take a moment to watch the smoke go into the air and where it ends up. Picture all the places you wish to go this year.

Watch the candle flame as you announce “it is time to begin anew. I am strong, secure, and confident. “

Now you will say positive things you want changed. For example. I am healthier, I am more prosperous and happy. When you are done end with “These things I will achieve. “

As you blow out the candle flame. Let the incense burn out on its own. I ask so like to give thanks to the universe afterwards. Thank you thank you thank you.

💕 Bonus with crystals 💕

Cleanse, charge, and program your crystals that you want to use. As you say your New Years resolutions , hold your crystal or have them near by and activate their power to help you achieve your goals.

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